Whether you're shipping your surfboard island to island or to the mainland, Southwest Cargo has over 100 destinations to get your shipment where it needs to go when it needs to get there. With our extensive network and Relentlessly Reliable® service, our award-winning cargo team will get ship done.
Provide your business's information and we will follow up with more information catered to your needs.
First name *
Last name *
Email *
Phone *
Company *
Shipment Type * Human RemainsGeneral / OtherPerishablesUrgent / Time CriticalFlowersSeafoode-CommerceElectronicsMedical / Life SciencesMeat / Poultry / Foodstuffs
What are you shipping? *
Shipping Frequency * UndeterminedLess than weekly1-2 times weekly3-5 times weeklyDaily
Primary Shipping Origin * ABQ - Albuquerque, NMALB - Albany, NYAMA - Amarillo, TXATL - Atlanta, GAAUA - Oranjestad, ArubaAUS - Austin, TXBDL - Hartford, CTBHM - Birmingham, ALBNA - Nashville, TNBOI - Boise, IDBOS - Boston, MABUF - Buffalo, NYBUR - Burbank / Los Angeles, CABWI - Baltimore, MDBZE - Belize City, BelizeCHS - Charleston, SCCLE - Cleveland, OHCLT - Charlotte, NCCMH - Columbus, OHCRP - Corpus Christi, TXCUN - Cancun, MexicoCVG - Cincinnati, KYDAL - Dallas, TXDEN - Denver, CODSM - Des Moines, IowaDTW - Detroit, MIECP - Panama City, FLELP - El Paso, TXEWR - Newark, NJFLL - Fort Lauderdale, FLGEG - Grand Rapids, MIGSP - Greenville-Spartanburg, SCHNL - Honolulu, HIHOU - Houston, TXHRL - Harlingen, TXIAD - Washington Dulles, VAICT - Wichita, KSIND- Indianapolis, INISP - Islip, NY ITO - Hilo, HIJAN - Jackson, MSJAX - Jacksonville, FLKOA - Kona, HILAS - Las Vegas, NVLAX - Los Angeles, CALBB - Lubbock, TXLGA - New York, NYLIH - Lihue, HILIR - Liberia, Costa RicaLIT - Little Rock, ARMAF - Midland Odessa, TXMCI - Kansas City, MOMCO - Orlando, FLMDW - Chicago, ILMEM - Memphis, TNMHT - Manchester, VTMIA - Miami, FLMKE - Milwaukee, WIMSP - Minneapolis St. Paul, MNMSY - New Orleans, LAOAK - Oakland, CAOKC - Oklahoma City, OKOMA - Omaha, NEONT - Ontario, CAORD - Chicago, ILORF - Norfolk, VAPBI - West Palm Beach, FLPDX - Portland, ORPHL - Philadelphia, PAPHX - Phoenix, AZPIT - Pittsburgh, PAPUJ - Punta Cana, Dominican RepublicPVD - Providence, RIPVR - Puerto Vallarta, MexicoRDU - Raleigh-Durham, NCRIC - Richmond, VARNO - Reno, NVROC - Rochester, NYRSW - Naples/Ft. Myers, FLSAN - San Diego, CASAT - San Antonio, TXSDF - Louisville, KYSEA - Seattle, WA SFO - San Francisco, CASJC - San Jose, CASJD - Los Cabos, MexicoSJO - San Jose, Costa RicaSJU - San Juan, Puerto RicoSLC - Salt Lake City, UTSMF - Sacramento, CASNA - Santa Ana, CASTL - St. Louis, MOTPA - Tampa, FLTUL - Tulsa, OKTUS - Tucson, AZOGG - Kahului, HI
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Our online tracking tool will display when your shipment is loaded on and off the plane.
Our online booking tool will let you plan your 100 lbs or less shipments up to 10 days in advance.
Along with our industry-low cutoff and recovery times, we transfer your freight from tail to tail, so your shipment can make the next flight with time to spare.
With thousands of daily nonstops, you'll have no problem getting your shipment there same-day.
1. Apply for an account
Become a Southwest Cargo Customer by filling out an account application on swacargo.com on behalf of your business. Allow 7-10 business days for your application to be processed. Once approved, you are ready to begin shipping with Southwest Cargo.
3. Choose your product
Pick any of our products to have your shipments delivered with the speed you need.
4. Track your shipment online.
We know how important your cargo is, so we've made tracking simple. You can rest easy knowing we've got it handled.